MDRT – One-Year Anniversary Show Live from The Sidewinder Tavern!


Well slap me right in the goat-face, My Dining Room Table is now officially one year old! Back when I started this little podcast that could then couldn’t then could again I definitely imagined that it would last at least a year. So really, I’m not surprised. I’m not going to be all, “Can you believe it?!” Because you totally can believe it. It absolutely seems like about a year has elapsed since I started doing this here podcast.

Sometimes time just passes appropriately. In about the amount of time you thought it would take.

And so, to celebrate the appropriate passing of time, I decided to do a live show at , an amazing little dive bar in a wrong-side-of-the-tracks kind of Denver neighborhood called Globeville. Ten years from now, Globeville will probably be lousy with farm-to-tables and $58 T-shirt shops, but for now, it remains pretty sketchy and cool. Lots of run-down, brick buildings to Instagram and feel intrepid! Plus the Sidewinder has an old, polka hall in the back where we recorded. Which rules! Kind of like the band Spells, which fronts, and who, as promised, rule. On this episode I interview Ben and his Spells’ band-mate Chuck Coffey. Then I interview the hilarious . Then the equally hilarious . Then the equally hilarious but with a vagina . Then joins the mix. He’s also hilarious. Especially when angry. He does not have a vagina.


All said and done it was one hell of a good time. Thanks to everyone for coming out. Shout outs to for recording this ish and for performing the intro and outro music live as the motherfucking jump-off. And, as always, a shout-out to My Dining Room Table’s amazing sponsor, TRVE.

Now go see The Grand Budapest Hotel. It rules. Like Spells.

Check out the episode on iTunes .