MDRT – Final Episode


And so, after the hiatus, I have decided to shut things down here at My Dining Room Table GloboCorp LTD. I know I promised in the last episode that I would be back after the summer with your regularly scheduled MDRT’s, but the fact of the matter is I’m a liar. A goddamn, bald-faced, liar. Except my face isn’t bald. I have a beard. A mighty beard! But regardless, this will be the final episode. Most likely.

If asked, I may do this podcast live at comedy festivals. Perhaps when I feel the need I’ll do an interview and just put it out there, random-like, just because. But all that is pretty unlikely. It feels like the time has come to move on, to hang up my podcasting headphones and call it a day. All good things must come to an end, I suppose. I’d like to thank everyone who ever listened to MDRT. That you would choose to spend some of your time sitting down with me at My Dining Room Table means the world to me. So thank you. Thanks for listening to my podcast. Truly.

As always, check out the episode on iTunes .

One Response

  1. Scott
    Scott at |

    Don’t feel bad. We all knew it was coming. I don’t think a podcast in the history of podcasts has come back from a hiatus. What, you think you can prove me wrong by bringing yours back? I dare you.