MDRT – Matt Braunger

I constantly find myself trying to retell jokes and I’m never able to. I know this because I do it a lot. Pretty much every time I see him perform, actually. And I always do it poorly. Like, really poorly. I’ll get halfway into a retelling and I’ll just start laughing – losing my shit, stuttering like a fool, barely spitting a few words out at a time, laughing. And then I feel full of shame. Because I’m a fucking comic, I see stand-up all the time, I should be able to maintain my composure and tell my friends about another bit I heard that is hilarious, but for some reason with Braunger I never can. Look, I’m a big fan of most of the comedians that I’m friends with – a harsh truism of the comedy landscape is that it’s hard to be friends with someone whose material you don’t appreciate in some way – but Braunger makes me laugh embarrassingly hard. I’ve seen this amongst other comedians as well. For the most part we keep a poker face but there’s always one guy – one guy – who is just your fucking kryptonite. And Braunger is that for me.

And when it comes to watching him in person, sweet Jesus son of Mary, I have to leave the room. If we’re on a show together and I have to perform anywhere near his performance I just excuse myself, lest I pass by him on the way to the stage with my eyes bloodshot and full of tears from laughing so hard.

“Oh all these dried tears? They’re nothing. Nothing at all. Just a profound sadness that takes me over some times. Hahaha. Didn’t even see your set. How did it go? Whoops, gotta go. They’re bringing me out!”

That would be goddamn humiliating.

Of course in that scenario I’m following Braunger which would probably never fucking happen but you get the drift. I find the guy hilarious. And a hell of a gentleman to boot. So it was great to grab an hour with him when he recently came out to the Queen City of the Plains for the Grawlix Halloween Spooktacular! I really enjoyed the conversation. And I bet you will too. Give it a listen! And then go out and listen to his album . And picture me wholesale losing my shit laughing. Like crying, snotty, the whole nine. Then you too will know what it’s like. And perhaps you won’t judge me so harshly. Perhaps.

Matt wanted you to watch this video. Ain’t No Half Steppin by Big Daddy Kane. Sho nuf.

He also wanted you to download the podcast on iTunes .